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Apple 向公众发布 iOS 16.1.1 和 cOS Ventura 13.0.1

Apple在 WWDC22 期间首次发布了iOS 16和cOS Ventura 。这些更新包含新的变化和功能,尤其是在 iPhone 部门。例如,用户现在可以使用以前无法实现的高级方式自定义 iOS 锁定屏幕。更不用说包括未发送内容等在内的邮件和消息升级。虽然这些主要的操作系统更新已经发布了好几个星期,但 Apple 一直在努力修复他们引入的错误并带来一些新功能。该公司已经在测试iOS 16.2 beta和 cOS Ventura 13.1——应该会在 12 月看到曙光。但是,如果您没有进行 beta 测试,那么您现在可以使用新的错误修复操作系统更新。苹果刚刚向公众发布了 iOS 16.1.1 和 cOS Ventura 13.0.1。

考虑到这些是XX1更新,预计它们不会引入任何令人兴奋的功能或更改。相反,他们专注于修补以前版本中发现的一些错误和安全漏洞。尽管如此,我们还是建议所有用户尽早更新他们的设备,以利用最新的修复程序。Apple 强调了这些版本中包含的安全补丁:

iOS 16.1.1 和 iPadOS 16.1.1

2022 年 11 月 9 日发布


Available for: iPhone 8 and later, iPad Pro (all models), iPad Air 3rd generation and later, iPad 5th generation and later, and iPad mini 5th generation and later

Impact: A remote user y be able to cause unexpected app termination or arbitrary code execution

Description: An integer overflow was addressed through improved input validation.

CVE-2022-40303: Mad Stone of Google Project Zero


Available for: iPhone 8 and later, iPad Pro (all models), iPad Air 3rd generation and later, iPad 5th generation and later, and iPad mini 5th generation and later

Impact: A remote user y be able to cause unexpected app termination or arbitrary code execution

Description: This issue was addressed with improved checks.

CVE-2022-40304: Ned Williamson and Nathan Wachholz of Google Project Zero

cOS Ventura 13.0.1

Released November 9, 2022


Available for: cOS Ventura

Impact: A remote user y be able to cause unexpected app termination or arbitrary code execution

Description: An integer overflow was addressed through improved input validation.

CVE-2022-40303: Mad Stone of Google Project Zero


Available for: cOS Ventura

Impact: A remote user y be able to cause unexpected app termination or arbitrary code execution

Description: This issue was addressed with improved checks.

CVE-2022-40304: Ned Williamson and Nathan Wachholz of Google Project Zero

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